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Benefit Programs
These areas of assistance to municipalities have developed in response to specific needs of Arkansas' cities and towns. It is expected that as needs change, the type of service program the League provides will change to meet those needs. In this way, the League service program can be of maximum benefit to the cities and towns of Arkansas.
Municipal Health Benefit Program
Municipal League Workers’ Compensation Program
Municipal Legal Defense Program
Municipal Property Program
Municipal Vehicle Program
Arkansas Local Government Pension Management Trust (PMT)
Municipal Other Post Employment Benefits Trust (MOPEBT)
Arkansas Diamond Deferred Compensation Plan
Field Representatives/District Meetings
Defensive Driving Program
Healthy Workplace Planning Program
Benefit Programs
These areas of assistance to municipalities have developed in response to specific needs of Arkansas' cities and towns. It is expected that as needs change, the type of service program the League provides will change to meet those needs. In this way, the League service program can be of maximum benefit to the cities and towns of Arkansas.
Municipal Health Benefit Program
The League's Municipal Health Benefit Program provides medical, dental and vision benefits to employees and officials. The advantage of...Read More
Municipal League Workers’ Compensation Program
The Municipal League Workers' Compensation Program (MLWCP) was established in 1985 to help cities and towns meet their statutory...Read More
Municipal Legal Defense Program
The MLDP is an optional program whereby participating municipalities can pool their resources and provide limited protection for the...Read More
Municipal Property Program
The MPP is an optional program whereby participating municipalities can pool their resources and provide all risks protection for their...Read More
Municipal Vehicle Program
MVP_Program_Summary_2022The MVP, Part I, is an optional program whereby participating municipalities can pool their resources and provide...Read More
Arkansas Local Government Pension Management Trust (PMT)
The PMT is an optional program available to local municipalities Pension Plans (Fire & Police "old plans"; Local Non-Uniform Plans). The...Read More
Municipal Other Post Employment Benefits Trust (MOPEBT)
The League has established the Municipal Other Post Employment Benefits Trust as a vehicle for cities (and city agencies) to implement a...Read More
Arkansas Diamond Deferred Compensation Plan
All municipalities, and other political subdivisions, of the State of Arkansas are eligible to utilize the State of Arkansas Deferred...Read More
Field Representatives/District Meetings
Staff members of the League are "on-call" to visit cities and towns desiring help with their managerial responsibilities when time permits....Read More
Defensive Driving Program
The Defensive Driving Program is designed to elevate and expand existing driver skills, help correct driving deficiencies and promote a...Read More
Healthy Workplace Planning Program
The Healthy Workplace Planning Program is designed to promote fitness, health and well-being among qualifying volunteer cities and towns...Read More
Welcome to The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS/TAPS), a purchasing cooperative serving public and private school districts, colleges,...Read More